BLS AED Course on Thursday 7th April 6pm to 9:30pm
In Maltese.
Fee is € 25.00. Registrations are being accepted
Click here to download application
Training - A vital component of every AED program.
Since the chance of surviving sudden cardiac arrest decreases by 10% with every minute that passes, defibrillation
must be administered quickly following the collapse. Bridge the critical time gap. Just having an AED is not enough. You need
more than just an AED to effectively save lives. A vital component of every AED program is proper training, St. John
Ambulance is dedicated to the creation of safe environments
for corporations, local government agencies, restaurants, hotels, etc. by focusing on preparedness for and
proper response to medical emergencies, including sudden cardiac arrest that occurs unexpectedly daily.
The reasons for these dismal survival rates are simple
and disturbing. When a person is in cardiac arrest, oxygen is no longer reaching the brain and blood flowing to vital organs
has ceased. CPR works to temporarily circulate blood throughout the body, but cannot restore a patient's heart to a life-sustaining
rhythm. The only known effective treatment for sudden cardiac arrest is the delivery of a defibrillation shock to the
heart. Early defibrillation is the single greatest determinant of cardiac arrest survival; with every minute that defibrillation
is delayed, a victim's chance of survival decreases by 10 percent.